本文共 3615 字,大约阅读时间需要 12 分钟。
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- #Author:jacky.lee
- #date:2010/4/17
- #This scripts create soft raid 0,1,5,6,10
- #The test platform on redhat linux.
- #define main function
- main () {
- clear
- echo ' ------------------------------------------------------ '
- echo ' 1.Create a software raid array '
- echo ' 2.View raid array sync status '
- echo ' 3.View raid array detail '
- echo ' 4.Create mdadm.conf file '
- echo ' 5.Add hotspare device on raid array '
- echo ' 6.Replace a fault device on raid array '
- echo ' 7.Delete a software raid array '
- echo ' 8.Renaming a raid array '
- echo ' 9.Resync raid array '
- echo ' q,exit '
- echo ' ------------------------------------------------------ '
- while true
- do
- echo -n " Please choice [1-q]:"
- read choice
- case $choice in
- 1)
- create_raid
- sleep 10
- clear
- main
- ;;
- 2)
- view_sync
- clear
- main
- ;;
- 3)
- view_detail
- sleep 10
- clear
- main
- ;;
- 4)
- create_configure_file
- sleep 3
- clear
- main
- ;;
- 5)
- add_hot
- sleep 10
- clear
- main
- ;;
- 6)
- view_detail
- sleep 5
- rep_dev
- clear
- main
- ;;
- 7)
- del_rd
- clear
- main
- ;;
- 8)
- ren_rd
- view_detail
- sleep 5
- clear
- main
- ;;
- 9)
- res_rd
- clear
- view_sync
- clear
- main
- ;;
- q)
- exit
- ;;
- esac
- done
- }
- #create raid
- create_raid (){
- if [ -e /sbin/mdadm ]&&[ -x /sbin/mdadm ];then
- echo
- echo "Please input the name:[like:md0,md1....]"
- read name
- echo
- echo "which level do you want to create it?[0,1,5,6]"
- echo "The level 0 and 1 at least 2 device,The level 5 at least 3 device,level 6 at least 4."
- read level
- echo
- echo "How many device for use?"
- read num
- echo "The device name like:/dev/sda,/dev/sda1,/dev/sd[abcd],/dev/sd[abcd]1"
- echo "Please input the device name:"
- read input
- mdadm -C /dev/$name -l$level -n$num $input
- fi
- }
- #view sync status
- view_sync () {
- if [ -e /proc/mdstat ]&&[ -r /proc/mdstat ];then
- watch -n .2 'cat /proc/mdstat'
- fi
- }
- #view detail of md information
- view_detail () {
- if [ -e /sbin/mdadm ]&&[ -x /sbin/mdadm ];then
- echo "which md device you want to view detail:"
- read input
- if [ $input=`grep $input /proc/mdstat |awk '{print $1}'` ];then
- mdadm --detail /dev/$input
- else
- sleep 5
- fi
- fi
- }
- #create mdadm configure file
- create_configure_file () {
- if [ -e /sbin/mdadm ]&&[ -x /sbin/mdadm ];then
- echo "The mdadm.conf file default location is /etc."
- mdadm --examine --scan >/etc/mdadm.conf
- echo "The mdadm.conf file content by follow:"
- cat /etc/mdadm.conf
- fi
- }
- #add hotspare device
- add_hot () {
- if [ -e /sbin/mdadm ]&&[ -x /sbin/mdadm ];then
- echo "which md do you for add a hotspare device?"
- read name
- echo "which device you want set a hotspare?"
- read device
- mdadm /dev/$name -a $device
- mdadm --detail /dev/$name
- fi
- }
- #remove a fault device
- rep_dev () {
- if [ -e /sbin/mdadm ]&&[ -x /sbin/mdadm ];then
- echo "Which device you want to remove?"
- read device1
- echo "Which device you want to add?"
- read device2
- mdadm -r $device1 -a $device2
- fi
- }
- #delete a raid
- del_rd () {
- echo "First,stop all I/O access on md devices."
- if [ -e /sbin/mdadm ]&&[ -x /sbin/mdadm ];then
- echo "Which md do you want to delete?"
- read md
- mdadm -S /dev/$md
- echo "Please input the device name:"
- read name
- mdadm --misc --zero-superblock $name
- fi
- }
- #renaming a raid array
- ren_rd () {
- echo "First,you must stop the raid array!"
- if [ -e /sbin/mdadm ]&&[ -x /sbin/mdadm ];then
- echo "Which md do you want stop?"
- read md
- mdadm -S /dev/$md
- echo "What's the new md name?"
- read name
- echo "What's the device name on the old md?"
- read device
- mdadm --assemble /dev/$name --super-minor=0 --update=super-minor $device
- fi
- }
- #resync a raid array
- res_rd () {
- echo "Which raid array need resync?"
- read input
- if [ -e /sys/block/$input/md/sync_action ]&&[ -f /sys/block/$input/md/sync_action ];then
- echo check >/sys/block/$input/md/sync_action
- fi
- }
- #Calling main function
- main